Who we are


years of experience
+ 4000

From utopia to reality

'Thélème', our values

Product of Rabelais’s fertile imagination, Thélème is the first utopia of French literature.

This abbey, offered by Gargantua to a friend of his, allows Rabelais to describe a society without constraints or conflicts as its residents, men and women, have by nature a sense of honor and self-regulation.

Inspired by this humanist vein, we postulate that education, diversity, and responsibility are the pillars of societies and organizations that offer equal opportunities to their members.

My partners and I are committed to foster those values through our actions and engagements.

“Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.”

Vernā Myers

More about Thélème international

Since 2008

Founded in 2008 by Catherine Macquart-Martin in the Netherlands and then relocated to France, Thélème international was first dedicated to education. Our consultants have trained teachers and advised educational organizations and ministries in more than 30 countries.
Back in The Netherlands in 2018, Thélème international broadens its scope. We deliver our services to leaders and organizations who want to accelerate their agility in a fast-moving, interconnected, and complex world. Thélème international collaborates with seasoned consultants from different horizons and backgrounds.

Founder and Director

Catherine is a seasoned trainer, author, coach, and leader who has worked for 25 years in public and private sectors across diverse cultures, languages, and countries. Her enthusiasm for Inclusive Leadership has evolved into a focused mission to foster operational inclusion within organizations of all sizes. Acknowledging the inherent challenges of Inclusion, Catherine provides a realistic perspective and empowers leaders to navigate this terrain successfully. 

Catherine’s coaching approach, rooted in the Co-Active model and storytelling techniques, is a guiding light for leaders grappling with the challenges of navigating varied perspectives and styles within their teams. Three cornerstones are at the core of Catherine’s leadership approach: self-awareness, augmented leadership, and Emotional and Cultural Agility. 

Partner with Catherine to empower leaders and their teams in intercultural organizations. Discover the keys to fostering genuine inclusion, embracing diversity, and scripting a narrative of success, growth, and fulfillment for you and your team.

More about Catherine

Catherine Macquart-Martin coaching
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